I Attended WordCamp Ahmedabad (a.k.a 3.0) 2019

Recently the third edition of WordCamp Ahmedabad held on 13th and 14th December of 2019, and I was an attendee.

It was a huge event that has the highest attendees among all the WordCamp in India. This time there were around 800+ WordPress enthusiasts at WordCamp Ahmedabad.

The most interesting thing about WordPress any event that the community is so open and so loveable. Whether you are just a beginner with WordPress or an industry level excerpt, everyone is nice and helpful to you.

I love every community event related to WordPress but WordCamp Ahmedabad is just awesome. I made many new friends and also met old friends at #WCAhmedabad.

What Was Unique WordCamp Ahmedabad?

This time the Donation Box was the unique thing at WordCamp Ahmedabad. So, there was a donation box, where you can donate your old WordCamp T-shirts. And those T-shirts will be distributed to poor people later. It was a great move by organizers of WCAhmedabad.

What Did I Enjoy?

Its Ahmedabad, so food comes first. Although Ahmedabad is my second home, every time I visit Ahmedabad, food is always a new experience for me.

So of course, the food at WordCamp Ahmedabad was so delicious and there were many varieties to eat.

Another thing that I enjoy at WordCamps is meeting with the new people who share that same interest area as yours. You can talk to them, take some notes and even you can befriend them. In other words, “The Networking”.

Networking is the best part of WordPress events, In WordCamp Ahmedabad, you can find people from all around India, as well as from outside of India.

Not to Forget the Sessions

The talks at WordCamp Ahmedabad are always unique and insightful. This time also there was a lot to take away.

But the thing that influenced me is the talk form, Nirav Mehta.

He had shared some really useful proven methods that can change our perspective about life. I would like to mention the IKIGAI concept he has shared at WordCamp Ahmedabad.

IKIGAI: Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life


To find the purpose of your life it takes decoding the above diagram. It’s a little bit complicated but once you decode it, you are the master of your destiny.

Another session was also very insightful and helpful.

Thanks to Organisers and Volunteers

No doubt that it was an awesome WordCamp. Thanks to the organizers and volunteers of WordCamp Ahmedabad 2019.

I hope that WordCamp Ahmedabad 2020 would be more interesting and knowledgeable.

My Appeal

If you are reading this means somehow you are interested in WordPress and the beautiful community around it. So, I would say that join WordPress local communities, attend your city WordCamp and share your experience. WordPress is more than a CMS, it’s a family that supports you whenever you ask for help.

In the WordPress ecosystem, we believe in giving. You support WordPress in many ways. Find the best way you can support and start contributing.


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