Why Did I Start to Write?

The first question you may ask me? Even I asked this question to myself too. that why the heck did I start to write? Neither I am a celebrity nor anyone who has enough experience or expertise in some area. then why?

A simple answer came from within Because I love to write.

Yes, it’s true I love to write about things around me. I love to write about anything that affects in any manner.

You don’t have to be a so-called expert or experienced to write on anything. You just need your perspective to see things from a different angle.

In my day to day life I experiment on lot of things (I am not talking about scientific experiments), Like the way I eat, I sleet, I type on the keyboard or it can be anything. and the interesting thing about those experiments is the results.

Yes, sometimes the results are so fascinating, that it encourages me to do more experiments. Writing is one of them. Also in the past, I used to write Shayari’s and Gazal’s (Don’t laugh).

Looking for Motivation to Start Writing?

If yes. Don’t look for more motivation. because nothing will help you until you help yourself. So stop wasting time and start writing.

if you don’t have anything to write about, Just start writing about what you are looking at right now. It can be anything. The ideas cannot be generated that pops up when you have enough going on your mind.

if you need any help regarding the blog set up, or platform setup let me know. I’ll be happy to help you.


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